Abstract: The movie, “The Book of Henry” is an American drama film directed by Collin Trevorrow. The film mainly tells about the uniquely close relationships of Henry Carpenter (Jaeden Lieberher), Peter Carpenter (Jacob Tremblay), and their mother, Susan (Naomi Watts). Susan is an alcoholic, single mother and a waitress who struggles to raise her genius son, Henry and obedient younger son, Peter. They want to help their neighbour Christina (Maddie Ziegler) who are physically/sexually abused by her stepfather. The main aspects discussed in this presentation are the social-cultural perspectives and moral lessons in the movie.
Keywords: film analysis, social-cultural perspectives, The Book of Henry
About the Event: Watch a Movie and Speak Up (WATSUP) is an annual event of the academic division of English Students Association “Legato” Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. This event is mainly about discussing and analyzing a selected movie after watching it together. The main focus of conducting the event is to improve the ability of students in English skills and critical thinking in analyzing a movie. This WATSUP 2020 is expected to be a discussion forum to discuss a film analysis in an entertaining way. This year global theme is “Springing Forth with New Ideas or Discoveries”.
How to cite: Masduqi, H. (2020). The Book of Henry: A Basic Analysis of Social-Cultural Perspectives. In WATSUP 2020. LEGATO, Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, 16 August 2020. https://www.slideshare.net/hmasduqi/the-book-of-henry-a-basic-analysis-of-socialcultural-perspectives
it was a brilliant idea how to train our students to speak up and analyzing a social and moral value from the movie story. with doing it regularly it can encourage them to express their point of view about movie story and sharpen their ability in English ability. I will try to do this methods in my senior students. Thanks mas Harits for your genius thinking.
ReplyDeleteThank you and good luck for your master's degree scholarships. Insya Allah, soon or later you can make it. Aamiin.